Thursday, March 26, 2009

"It's freezing!"

After absolutely gorgeous weather last week, we are back in winter weather now. Yesterday, we got a couple of inches of snow, and today even more. The wind is blowing hard and the temperature is 23 degrees, but feels like 12. I'm sure in about 5 years, I will not be surprised when this happens, but for now, I am not happy. I thought perhaps spring was on the way. The only nice thing about bad weather is I can pack without wishing I was outside. Annabelle can also tell that it's very cold and so she has not been bugging me to go outside. Instead, she is helping me pack by putting everything she can grab in the open boxes that are lying around. This makes things a little more difficult for me, but being a good helper is something I want to encourage so we're trying to work together and pack. We close a week from tomorrow. Yea!


Melissa said...

are you guys moving? and yeah i know how you feel, it was so nice and then it started snowing yesterday and right when we came back from spring break

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big she is! It's been so long since I've seen you guys, but I found your blog through Trisha's! Our family one is