Monday, March 30, 2009

Counting to 11

Annabelle has been able to count to 10 for awhile and it occurred to me the other day that I should probably move on to new numbers. So, as we were driving home from the store, we counted and when we reached 10, I introduced 11 to her. She caught on very quickly and by the end of the day, 11 was as easy for her to remember as the rest of the numbers. Now she counts to herself all the time and never forgets her newest number. And after she finishes, she always gives herself a round of applause.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could watch this ALL DAY! AH, I just want to come sooner! Mom had Holland Goodwin here for lesson and we all watched this together. She is so smart. I didn't know counting at 2 years old was possible. Haha. We loved watching her mouth and she said the numbers. So cute. :D

Unknown said...

that is so great lindsey. she is so smart! luv ya bye Collin

rachel said...

So cute! We can't wait to see you guys in June. When Simon counts he skips from twelve to nineteen and then to twentyteen :) Hope all goes well with the closing on Friday! We are excited for you. Lots of love!

Cyppy said...

Can't wait to see my little counter, in just...1...2...3...weeks! Yahoo!