Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"The wrap"

Jillian has been sleeping through the night since about 10 weeks. Last weekend when we went to Michael's parent's house, I thought she might have trouble sleeping since she would be in a different crib and also sharing a room with Annabelle (Annabelle sometimes talks in her sleep). But she did great. Once we came back home, she was a terrible sleeper. She would only sleep about 2 hours at a time and then wake up screaming. I have no idea why this is going on, but I finally decided that since she was crying anyway, we might as well stop wrapping her up when she sleeps. Ever since she was born, we've swaddled her so that her arms aren't free to move around when she's sleeping and wake herself up. She's getting too big for the wrap and it's getting too warm to be swaddled, so I've been thinking about teaching her how to stay alseep when not wrapped. My strategy was to let her just cry herself to sleep every day during her naps and let her cry at night, if she woke up as well. Well, since she was already crying non-stop at night anyway, I decided that I might as well stop swaddling her now so at least we might be accomplishing something with her crying.

Yesterday was the first day of no swaddling. Her first morning nap consisted of her crying for almost 2 hours straight. I thought eventually she would fall asleep, but she didn't and I finally had to get her up and feed her because we had somewhere to go. Her two other naps in the day went a little bit better. She actually did get some sleep and the crying didn't last as long. As I got ready for bed last night, I mentally tried to prepare myself for be awake all night long, listening to the sound of my baby crying. However, such was not the case. She briefly woke me up only 2 times the whole night. She slept from 9 pm to 6:20 am, and I think she actually slept almost that whole time.

Day no. 2 has been okay. She's taking her second nap right now and both naps started with less than 10 minutes of crying and then a really good nap. I'm liking how this is turning out and hope the success continues.

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