Monday, September 10, 2012


Jillian reached a few milestones in the last few weeks. I'll start with the worst one. She colored on the wall with crayon. Fortunately, I had one more Mr Clean magic erasers left. I was quite frustrated, but it seems like every child has to do it at least once during their childhood.

 Jillian is also sort of potty trained. She goes through spurts where she wants to wear big girl underwear for a couple of days and can even make it the whole day without an accident (this doesn’t happen every time she wants to wear underwear, but she’s pretty good about going in the potty when she wants to). But after a few days, she doesn’t want to use the bathroom anymore and chooses to wear diapers for a few days. It’s driving crazy. It just depends on her mood that day. I know if she decided she wanted to be potty trained for good, she would be. But she just sometimes doesn’t want to put in the effort. It does no good for me to force her to wear underwear because she’ll just have accidents all day long. I'm hoping she want to be a "big girl" permanently soon so we can be done with diapers for her.

A much smaller, but nevertheless still important milestone for Jillian is she got her hair french braided all the way down her head. It looked so cute. She doesn't stay still quite as well as Annabelle did when she was that age and Jillian seems to have a much softer head (either that is much wussier than Annabelle was). But she stayed still long enough for me to get the braids done. Way to go, Jillian.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Jillian, welcome to the drawing-on-the-wall-with-crayons club! I recall your mom's calm and rational reaction to Annabelle's first drawing on the wall. Was this one similar?

Love you Linds!