However, it was not all bad. Michael and I got to "hang out" (if you could call it that) all day together. We immediately realized that painting was not going to be as easy as we thought and it took a lot of patience and compromise to find a method that was effective and efficient. After a while, I started thinking about when Michael and I decided to finish the basement. We had a lot of decisions to make about if we could afford to, how much we were willing to spend, how the space would be used, what colors to paint, and lots of other little stuff. Sometimes, we didn't agree and had to listen to the other person and perhaps meet somewhere in the middle.
I imagine that when it comes to making major decisions, some couples find out just how quickly they can disagree and hard it can be to give up some or all of what you want. In the six years that we've been married, Michael and I have learned how to communicate with one another and how to come to a mutual agreement without either one of us getting too upset. We're definitely not perfect and still need a lot of work. But when I look back over the years, I can see how we have slowly improved our relationship to become one of equal partnership.
Happy Anniversary, Michael. Thanks for six wonderful years. I look forward to sharing many more with you. I love you.
Happy Anniversary! I can't wait to see pictures of the finished basement. And I really hope to be able to see it in person one of these days.
Thank you for our years together. I am indeed a lucky man!
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