Last weekend, we traveled to Utah for some family events. It was so fun to see my parents and brother, both of whom live too far away for me to see very often. I wish my other siblings and their spouses and kids could have come, but I was glad that some of them were able to fly over here. Saturday night, I watched one of the greatest shows on earth- Christmas Around the World, starring my very own younger sister and the BYU International Folk Dance Team. The team performed dances from countries around the world. It was absolutely amazing! I am so proud of my sister and can't believe how talented she is. I plan on attending the show every year while she is in it. You go, Amber!

Sunday, my older brother blessed his daughter. It was such a sweet experience. I am so grateful for the wonderful and strong family I was raised in. To see my siblings starting their own families is such a blessing. And of course, I am grateful for my family. I have such a supportive, loving husband and 2 healthy, smart, and energetic children. I don't think I could ask for much more this Christmas.

Annabelle and Jillian were obsessed with Katieanne, my brother's baby. It was so cute to see them interact with her. It's just a preview of what is to come in March, I guess.

Jillian also loved playing on the blowup mattress.