I haven't written in a few days and to be honest, we had things scheduled that I was planning on writing about, but they all got canceled. For example, the members of the Rexburg office of the law firm and their wives were all going to go out to dinner. They said that any day this week would be fine with them and asked Michael to pick the day. So I found a babysitter for Wednesday night of this week. Well, two days before the dinner, one guy said he couldn't go that night, so we switched it to Thursday night. Thankfully, our babysitter (who is Michael's cousin) said she was available that night to watch Annabelle. Well, the following day, another guy said that he couldn't go Thursday night. So, we changed it to Friday night (meaning tonight) and once again I had to ask Christy if she could babysit Annabelle tonight and again she said she could. Well, once again, someone couldn't make it Friday night. So, our big, nice firm dinner has been postponed indefinitely. Michael and I were both looking forward to getting out without Annabelle, especially since the place we were planning on going has a reputation for being absolutely delicious. It's called Stockmans, but I think it's only known around here.
In other news, Annabelle has another ear infection and we're dealing with that. I feel so bad for her because her nose won't stop running and she is constantly plugging or pulling at her ears. She has been waking up screaming in the middle of the night because of the pain (I think) and also has been getting up over an hour earlier than usual for the past fours days. I am also a little stuffed up and am tired due to getting up in the night and early in the morning with Annabelle.
I was asked to play the organ in our ward last week and this week. There are only three people who play and they all have callings. So, the three of us will be switching every month. I took an organ class at BYU, but that was several years ago and I have since lost my ability to play the pedals with even the simplest song. Last week, I practiced a lot and actually got good enough that I could play the pedals on two of the three songs. But when Sunday came, things didn't go quite as I had planned. The opening hymn went fine and I played the pedals well enough, not perfectly as I had wanted, but it sounded okay. The closing hymn was the song I was most nervous about. It was the hardest of the three and I was attempting to play the pedals. Well, I think I was just too nervous because I completely butchered the song. Well, okay I didn't have a complete meltdown, but after one verse, I was so off with the pedals that I just quit playing them. I was so disappointed because I had practiced so hard. Oh well. This week, I got to pick the songs, and I picked some easy ones that I could play the pedals with and hopefully, with practice, I'll do better this week.
My paternal grandparents are coming tomorrow for the weekend and so I'll have more to write after their visit. It will be fun to have them here.
New house!
16 years ago
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