This year, we decided not to have a big birthday party with friends. Instead, she got to pick one friend and we went to a place with an indoor bounce house and climbing tunnels. We stayed for several hours, the first couple of which we had the entire place to ourselves. It was great. There was a nice leather couch for me to sit on and a big screen tv. The kids went crazy running around. Sarah eventually fell asleep and slept in her car seat, which I put in a dark hallway. She slept for over an hour, which was amazing.

After, we had Annabelle's birthday dinner, her choice of stromboli, opened presents, and had cake and ice cream. Annabelle was probably most excited about her presents. What kid isn't at her age? She received some books, clothes, art kit, large coloring activity book, a new hat, and a scooter. Overall, I think she was pretty happy with her gifts. Now, on to the cake.

Annabelle kept changing her mind about what kind of cake she wanted. One day it was a marshmallow cake, the next day, she wanted a rainbow cake or a unicorn cake. When I told her she had to choose only one, she decided on a basketball cake. Now, remember, I have no cake decorating training nor do I have any cake decorating tools. Nevertheless, I did the best I could to make a basketball cake and this is the result.

After our scrumptious dessert, Annabelle and Michael headed to the church to play basketball while I gave the little girls a bath. When the ballers came back, we popped some popcorn and watch Ice Age 4 as a family.
It was a great day. One of the best days of her entire life, according to Annabelle. Happy Birthday to my sweet daughter.
This was her cool hair that we did for her first Sunday as a 6 year old.