It's hard to believe that Jillian is 3 years old already. Sometimes, with her drama, I think shouldn't she be like turning 16 or something? But other times, she so sweet and kind and, well, just little, that I'm glad she's only 3 and I have another 15 years with her.
We started her birthday celebration on Friday by going out to lunch at McDonald's and playing on the playland there. We then did some birthday shopping (yes, I was a little last minute on getting her some presents). Saturday, we continued the fun by going bowling. Annabelle and Jillian kicked my butt. But that's not surprising considering they had bumpers and I did not and I'm a really bad bowler (I mean, really bad). Sarah just loved looking at all the neon flashing lights.

(That's Annabelle-81

Today, after church, we decorated Jillian's Dora the Explorer birthday cake. Now, I am not a cake decorator in the slightest, nor do I have a single cake decorating tool, but I must say, I am pretty pleased with how it turned out. I don't think anyone really understood how proud of the cake I was. Well, maybe Annabelle did. She watched me decorate it and kept saying how cool it looked and how I was the best cake maker in the world.

If you can't tell, Dora and Boots must go "over the hill, across the bridge and that's how they'll get to Jillian's birthday bash".
After having her birthday dinner of spaghetti and breadsticks (and a couple of her tantrums caused by her exceptional stubbornness), we opened presents and ate cake and ice cream. As soon as she had one present open, she would lunge for another one before even looking to see what she got. It wasn't until she was done ripped off the wrapping paper of each present that she even cared to see what new things she was given.