A few weeks ago, Michael spent most of Saturday climbing Table Rock with a friend. It's about an 11 mile round trip hike that gives you crystal clear views of the Grand Teton at the top. Unfortunately with all the fires we've had lately, the skies were too cloudy with smoke to be able to see much.
Halfway up the trail, there are two different paths you can take to get to the top. Most people take the easier, less steep path. The other path has this sign by it:
Guess which trail Michael's group decided to take? Yep,the non recommended one.
When he got home late that afternoon, his feet and legs were so dirty, he had to crawl on his knees from the kitchen to the bathroom to avoid getting the the carpet extremely dirty as well. I offered to give him a piggyback ride, but for some reason, he didn't take me up on it.
He said it was a great hike and that he'd like to take me sometime and also the girls when they're older. He was very early that morning and was exhausted by the time he got home. After getting cleaned up, he laid down on the bed to wait for me to bring him some food. I knew he wouldn't last very long before succumbing to sleep so I tried to hurry. By the time I brought the food to him, he was almost asleep and told me to put the plate containing two brats on his chest. I was a little nervous to do so because he might roll over in his sleep and the last thing I wanted was to clean up brats and mustard off my bed. Fortunately, he got a phone call a few minutes later and ate his food sometime during or after the call.