A few days after Amber came, my brother’s wife came to visit
also. My brother is working in Alaska
and my sister-in-law will join him in a few weeks, so in the meantime, she came
to see us. We also had Michael’s sister and her husband and two kids along with
Michael’s dad and brother stay with us over the weekend as well. It was a full
house, but we really enjoyed being with family.
One of the things we did was go to Mesa Falls.
We got some great pictures. The only downside was what happened on the drive
home. Because there were so many of us, we had to take three cars. I drove
Amber, my sister-in-law Hillary, and my three girls in my van. Soon after I
pulled out of the parking lot right behind the other cars, there were flashing
lights behind me. I couldn’t believe I was being pulled over. We had just been
talking about being pulled over on the way there and just an hour later, I
myself was being just that. At first, we thought that the cop had seen Hillary
without her seat belt on, leaning over from the backseat to calm Sarah down. But
it turned out I was speeding. I told the cop that I was only following the
other cars in our party, but he said they were going 52 and I was going
65. I was a little skeptical of that, but obviously I didn’t want to argue.
After looking at my driver’s license and all the necessary information, he
told me he’d let me off with just a warning. Then he went on to confess that he
himself didn’t even what the speed limit was. He said that anyone going under 55
was probably okay. So I repeated what he said by saying, “So, stay under 55”
and he said, “Now, I didn’t say that”. Ummm, yes you did. Whatever. I’m
just happy I didn’t get a ticket.
I decided to carry Sarah in the wrap. I've only used it once before I wasn't sure if I remembered how to tie it. Michael tried to help me figure it out.
We went into the Mesa
Falls museum. The kids
loved seeing all the animal skins. We told Annabelle to make a scared face, but
instead she made a scary face. We had to show her what a scared face looked
We also enjoyed time at the park and ride on the carousel. It's great to see family. I just wish we didn't all live so far away from each other.