My brother graduated from BYU in mechanical engineering and we went to Provo for his graduation. I'm so proud of him. He worked so hard in college and had a job throughout, so he was super busy. My parents and some of my siblings couldn't make it, but those of us that live somewhat close were to able to come. Joel's wife's family was also there to support him. I had a hard time getting a picture of him initially walking in.

(Amber and I couldn't keep the tears from coming. What? We're female!)
After the ceremony, we celebrated even more with a barbecue at Hillary's parents' house (Joel's in-laws). They were so kind to make us lunch and had BYU colors up everywhere: balloons, streamers, and even this really cool plaque for Joel.

We got up kind of early to make it from Salt Lake to Provo in time for the graduation, and Jillian, who usually gets about a 2 hour nap around noon, was struggling toward the end of the party. By the time we left to drive home, it was about 4 p.m. and she still hadn't slept. As expected, she fell asleep right away in the car (which goes to show how tired she really was because she doesn't sleep well in the car). I guess Annabelle and my grandma's husband, Marv, were really tired too. Check out Annabelle's awkward position, poor girl.

Congratulations, Joel.

I should also mention that Michael's brother also graduated that day, so Michael spent the day with his family. Way to go to you too, Drew!