I know I've been absent from blogging for a while and I apologize. It's been very busy around here lately, and I've found that when I think about updating my blog, I have no energy at that time to do it. Just to tell you a few things, in the last month and a half, we've had family here about 5 different weekends, Michael has been out of town at least twice, I've taken on 4 more piano students (that puts it at 15 students, 16 if you count Annabelle who has been having a 5 minute piano lesson every week), I've gotten a new, somewhat demanding calling at church, and I have two extremely active children. So, I hope that you forgive me for slacking on the blog.
Here's an update on the girls. Annabelle finished preschool done through the college, and we're trying to decide whether to put her in a private preschool this year, do the college one again, or not do any preschool at all. It's makes me want to cry knowing that one year from now, she'll be getting ready to attend kindergarten. It can't really be that time already, can it? She loves to play outside and be with friends. She is also learning how to ride her bike without training wheels. She's only tried with Michael twice and gets distracted very easily, but I think she'll catch on soon. Michael is very good about showing her how it's done. (Watch the 3rd video.)
Jillian just turned 18 months last week and is officially nursery age for church. I've been taking her there for the last 2 months though because she is very attached to me and I knew it would take some time for her to learn not to scream through the entire two hours of nursery without me. She has taken over Annabelle's old tricycle and loves to push it around (she's not quite tall enough to ride it). For the most part, she is a fun, energetic kid who loves to play outside. She is still a huge mama's girl and wants me to hold her all the time. I know it won't last forever and I should enjoy it while it lasts (which I do for the most part), but sometimes, I need my personal space and time for myself. Here is a video of Jillian's way of eating grapes. The first 30 seconds are the best. I should have stopped that camera after that.
New house!
16 years ago