I am not a couponer; however a go, if I happen to come across a good deal, I take full advantage of it. For instance, last week, I went to the store to pick up just a couple of things for my piano students and I saw that our family's favorite cereals were on sale. We are huge cereal eaters in our home and so it only made sense to get a lot, and so I did. In our house, we call cereal by the color of the bag (Annabelle started doing this and Michael (somewhat facetiously) and I do it as well now). I bought 16 white (can you tell that's our ultimate favorite kind of cereal?), 4 yellow, 2 blue, and 4 red. (There are only 2 reds in the picture- I found 2 more bags as I was putting the cereal away after taking the picture.) And boy, did I go through a lot to get the white. Apparently, it's other families' favorite cereal as well. I had to dig through 8 cardboard boxes before I finally found these last 16 bags at the absolute very bottom of the last box. I can't imagine what people were thinking when they saw me almost completely submerged headfirst in these giant boxes filled with bags of cereal.
Now, for the savings. If I had paid full price for each of these cereals, it would have cost me $114.48. Instead, I got 26 family-sized bags of cereal for $60. Now, we are set on cereal for a long time and I can say that we've now officially started our food storage.