My baby is 6 months old today! I can hardly believe it. Where has the time gone? Just in the last couple weeks, Jillian has changed so much. She finally has rolling over nailed down. She's been able to maneuver herself onto her back, but she struggled with getting her arm out from under stomach. That is not a problem now. She used to be very content to lie on the mat on the floor and play with the mobiles while I taught piano; however, that has become to boring for her. So, I've had to bring out and dust off the walker. So far, she's loved it. Once, I went to put Jillian down for a nap and came back to find Annabelle had somehow climbed in the walker. As you can see, she's so tall, that her knees were on the ground.

Last night, I gave Jillian rice cereal for the first time. I've also been trying to introduce apple juice over the last few weeks, but she's still figuring out to suck from a bottle. She hasn't had one since she was about 6 weeks old.

Ever since we got back from our trip to Utah 3 weeks ago, she's been getting up about 2 times at night to feed. We finally decided to kick of her that habit and let her scream at night until she learned to sleep through the night. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The first morning after we let her cry at night, I found her on her stomach, with her head where her feet had been the night before. It was a little scary for me to see her like that, and she hasn't done it since, thank goodness.
Saturday, we decided to put curlers in Annabelle's hair for church on Sunday. She looked so cute and got many compliments on how cute she looked. These girls sure love playing with each other.