Happy Father's Day! It's been a quick weekend for our family. Friday, the girls and I surprised Michael by showing up at the end of his class with Dairy Queen blizzards to celebrate Father's Day. Michael was still in the classroom talking to a couple of students when we showed up. Annabelle ran into the room and showed him a "Happy Father's Day" sign she colored for him. I was hoping we could have a little moment of family time and eat our ice cream together outside. However, there was an emergency at work and Michael had to rush back to the office. So Annabelle and I ate our ice cream and put Michael's in the freezer when we got home. Then, Friday night, Michael came home for about 15 minutes only to turn around and leave again. This emergency he'd had at work that day was still going on and he had to go help his client deal with an issue concerning with her elderly father. He didn't get home until about 10:30 pm. Meanwhile, I got sick with a cold. Not fun stuff.

Then, Saturday was spent working in the yard all day. I gotta say that I love my house, but it takes so much time, energy, and money to maintain it. Poor Michael was outside for essentially what was a regular workday. I got lucky and was inside with Jillian for most of the day and got out of any hard labor (sorry, honey). Annabelle also got out of doing yard work (not that we really have her do anything anyway) as the neighbors kids invited her to play.

(I should have gotten a before picture. We had weeds growing all the over the place against the house. Now, they're gone, but we're not doing anything else to the yard in terms of landscaping this year. We've already done enough this summer to last the rest of it.)
The evening was spent working on our talks for church today. It's our first time in this ward and we're hoping that we've done our duty and won't be asked again for several years. Yes, I said years. There are so many new people moving in all the time that I know the bishopric is not lacking in new families to ask to speak.
Then, while the rest of us were home taking a nap (for some reason, Annabelle likes to take her naps on the floor),

Michael spent the next several hours after church in a meeting. He's now home taking his nap and we'll be having a pot roast and potatoes as soon as he wakes up. Then following dinner, he has another meeting tonight. It's no wonder why both Michael and I feel like our weekends are not much different from the week and seem to go by way too fast.