So once again, it's been a little while since I last posted and I have no idea where the time has gone. So, here are a few things we've been doing in the past few weeks.
It's been so nice outside that we've spent quite a bit of time at the park or just hanging out outside. I'm excited to plant some flowers. Last weekend, Michael and Annabelle worked on the yard for a while. Annabelle was especially fond of digging around in the dirt.
In less than a week, Jillian will be 3 months old. She is such a joy and I love every minute with her. For the last week, she has been sleeping from 9 pm to 6:30 am. It's been wonderful! She also is beginning to figure out she has a voice and hands. She's starting reaching out to touch objects and she enjoys just lying on her back and practicing making noise.
And the big news for Michael is that he is teaching his first class at the university. As if he's not busy enough. But he's a really great teacher and I think he'll really enjoy it. I'm attending the class today so I'll be posting later about the first day. =)
And of course, I can't resist posting some cute pictures of the kids.