I have a theory about time. It gets faster as you get older. Or perhaps what happens is as you get older, you begin to appreciate life a little more. But then, you have kids and you start tracking time by them and realize how fast they are growing up. That's when time seems to be flying past at an alarmingly past pace. You start thinking about how they're beginning to not need you for everything anymore (which could actually be a good thing sometimes), and pretty soon, they won't need you for anything (other than the obvious needs, such as shelter, food, etc). For example, last week Annabelle turned 3 years old and now everything is "I do it, I do it!" and Jillian was born 5 weeks ago today. How in the world has that much time passed since Annabelle was born and since I was complaining to Michael about how I was so big with Jillian that I couldn't sleep? And yet, here it is March already.

Jillian is looking much more like a baby and less like a newborn. She is so calm. She loves to be held and just look around at everything and everyone. Annabelle is still being a great big sister, no signs of jealously yet. She loves to hold her (although as you can see in the picture, Jillian doesn't always like the way Annabelle is holding her) and is constantly saying that Jillian is beautiful and how much she loves her sister.

I started teaching piano again this week. I'm excited to see my students and so far, they seem to enjoy being back at their lessons. I also have plans to begin a running regime as well once the weather gets better. I have a double jogging stroller, so I can't use the excuse that I have nowhere to leave my kids while I run. I'll just take them with me. It would be nice if Jillian started sleeping through the night before I start running. I'm already exhausted by the end of the day and adding a run to the day might be too much.