I'm so glad that I have my mother-in-law here to help me with Jillian and Annabelle. Annabelle is so energetic and needs a lot of attention and it's been nice to not have to be the sole entertainer these days. Yesterday, Annabelle and "Cyppy" played in the snow for over an hour.

Today, they are down in the basement, Annabelle riding her bike and Cynthia getting her daily workout. Check out the video.
Here is a video of Annabelle singing her ABC's and showing off her new baby sister. Jillian is doing really well. She has now been asleep in her bouncer without needing anyone to hold her for about 3 hours. It's great! (Now, maybe that's not actually a big deal for a newborn to sleep that long without needing to be held, but the only person I have to compare Jillian as a nwborn to is Annabelle as a newborn, and she didn't sleep for 3 consecutive hours even after she was months old.)