Does anyone else feel like October went by really fast? I can't believe it was Halloween last night and now we're into November. Anyway, we had a fabulous Halloween. Annabelle has been so excited to wear her princess dress. One of the first things we did after we got up yesterday morning was put curlers in Annabelle's hair. I think she inherited my hair that's as straight as can be and doesn't hold curl very well. This was only the second time I had tried to curl her hair and the first time it worked for about 3 hours and then the curl was gone. Anyway, I hoped that she would have a curly head of hair in time for trick-or-treating. Surprisingly, the curlers stayed in miraculously well for most of the day, even during some rough housing with Michael.

However, around 3:30 in the afternoon, I checked one of the curlers to see if it was curling Annabelle's hair and it was a little bit, but not enough that it would stay in for very long. I proceeded to take out the curlers and use my curling iron to curl her hair and then immediately pin each curl with a bobby pin. After using tons of hairspray all over her pinned head, I decided there wasn't much else I could do and hoped it would turn out.
Soon after I finished curling Annabelle's head, Michael returned from doing some errands with some great news. A few weeks ago, I blogged about a rooftop antenna we purchased that didn't work. We wanted to return it and most of the other equipment we bought with it, but had lost the receipt. Hoping that we could somehow return it anyway, Michael left for the store and returned home announcing that they had taken everything back and given us a full refund! This made our Halloween even better as we were over $200 richer.
Later after dinner, it was time to get ready for trick-or-treating. Annabelle was so excited to finally be able to put on her princess dress, she could barely hold still. I gave her a little bit of blush and lipstick, and then couldn't delay the inevitable any longer. It was time to take out the pins and see if she had curly hair. Right away, I could tell that we were going to have success. The curls were beautiful! I was so excited, probably more excited than Annabelle.

She was to most beautiful princess ever. As you can see from the video, she just would not hold still for pictures. She just loved to twirl in and admire her princess dress.

It took a few doors before she figured out she was supposed to say, "trick or treat" at each door, but she caught on fairly quickly that if she said it, she'd get some candy. We had some friends come over and the wife and her almost one-year old son (who was the most adorable turtle) went out with Annabelle and me, while the husbands stayed home and passed out candy, while watching some football. We went at a slow pace and only hit 3 streets, but we were gone for over an hour. It was so much fun and I have no doubt that Annabelle loved her first real Halloween.