Yesterday was supposed to be a very enjoyable and productive day. We had unseasonably warm weather, an absolute gorgeous day (if only it would last). In the morning, I went to a practice for our ward's Primary program, which took place today, while Michael got in some quality daddy-daughter time with Annabelle, which included a very long walk while Annabelle rode her bike. When I returned, the plan was to finish the project Michael started last week of putting up a rooftop antenna that would provide us with network channels, such as ABC, CBS, etc. Then, by the end of the day, we would able to watch all sorts of sporting events on tv, including football games and the MLB playoffs.

Michael purchased the antenna and necessary parts and began the process of putting it up last week, but halfway through he changed strategies and it became too dark before he could implement the new plan. So, yesterday, he bought a few more parts to make the process a little bit easier. However, things did not go as planned.
He got the antenna set up on the roof, but then he discovered the cable he bought to run from the atenna to the tv was just a little but too short and he had to run back to the store to exchange it for a longer one. Once he was back and it was all set up, we discovered that we only received one of the eight promised channels, and it was not one of our priority channels. I guess we didn't get a strong enough antenna or something, because after all of Michael's hard work, we weren't getting what we wanted and nothing we did changed that. So, Michael then spent the next hour taking apart his day-long project. As you can see, Michael wasn't happy last evening. It was not a good day.