We traveled to Michael's parents' house this weekend and had a great time with them. Annabelle is now at the age where she is very fun to play with and she absolutely loved all the attention she got from her grandparents. We arrived at their house about 1 am Friday morning and had to wake Annabelle up. After brushing her teeth and getting her ready for the rest of the night, we introduced her to what would be her room for the duration of our stay, which included a water bed for her to sleep in. It took a while to coax her into the bed. She was pretty nervous to see the mattress actually moving and hear the sound of water coming from the bed. But finally, she got in and slept well every night after. After that initial uncertainty, Annabelle came to love the waterbed.

The adults enjoyed some good pickleball, bacce ball, and just sitting around talking. All Annabelle wanted to do was jump on the trampoline. There's no way I was going to get on with her and jump around, but both her grandparents did, as well as her dad.

Here's a video of Michael showing off his trampoline skills. Sorry the video is sideways. I would fix it if I could.

Perhaps the highlight of the weekend was watching BYU's first football game of the season against the Oklahoma sooners. Although we initially thought that perhaps BYU wouldn't be able to pull out a win, once the game started, that quickly turned into thinking that BYU had a chance to win at after all. Once they did, the Brown household become one of great celebration. GO COUGARS!!
We left yesterday around 1:45 pm, hoping we could have a very uneventful 7 hours in the car back to Rexburg. It started out nice with Annabelle almost immediately falling asleep for an hour. About halfway home is when we had problems. Annabelle started complaining about not feeling well, and soon after that, she threw up. I had a Walmart sack ready, but it had holes in it and it leaked all over Annabelle, me, her car seat, and my seat. It was pretty bad. Fortunately, it happened right on the outskirts of a large town, and after cleaning up enough that we could continue on to the Walmart in town, we did. We stopped for a few cleaning supplies and by than, Annabelle was behaving quite normally, so we stopped somewhere else for some dinner. Annabelle eagerly ate her chicken nuggets, and wasn't sick again for the rest of the trip. Michael and I decided that it must have just been motion sickness that made her throw up.
Now we are back home and getting back into our routine. Thanks Robert and Cythnia for a great weekend!