Sorry, but this post is going to be long and have a lot of pictures. This weekend has been very eventful for us and I had to document all of it. First, our neighbor was getting rid of his swing set and asked if we wanted it. I, of course, jumped at the idea. Annabelle loves playing with the neighbors on it. Michael, however, was more realistic about how the swing set would affect our new grass. But after much persuasion, we moved it over to our yard. It has been a huge hit. Annabelle loves it.

Another new activity Annabelle did was paint. I can't believe I've gone this long without ever having Annabelle paint. What a poor deprived child. Anyway, we are involved in a summer reading program at the library where you get prizes for reading. Her prize last week was a picture with paints on it. Annabelle was so excited to paint it even though she had no idea what it meant to paint. Here's her working on her masterpiece.

Michael had a first this weekend, too. We bought a new lawn mower, equipped with a Honda motor. Michael enjoyed his first time mowing his own lawn. As you can see from the picture, it was made even more enjoyable by the use of his beloved iPhone, as he listened to music on it with his headphones while he mowed. Our grass looks so good now that it has had its first hair cut.

Lastly, we took Annabelle to the county fair, where we enjoyed listening to some chareoke, seeing (and smelling) lots of different animals, and watching a rodeo, where kids would ride (hang on for dear life is more like it) sheep and calves as they were released from their pens and go galloping across the arena. It was pretty entertaining. We got some video of the rodeo, but it wasn't very clear.