We have very fortunate that Annabelle has lasted almost 2 1/2 years in a crib. However, the time has come to make the transition from crib to real bed. Michael has owned a twin bed since before we were married and since it's a pretty comfortable, sturdy bed, we've lugged it around with us to all 5 places we've lived . It's been sitting in Annabelle's room along with her crib just waiting to be occupied.
I have been talking to Annabelle about moving to the big bed for the last week and last night as I was putting her to bed, she asked if she could sleep in the big bed. So far, she's only taken naps there; she's never pulled an all-nighter. But I figure we've got to start sometime. So, I made all the preparations for her to sleep in this new, bigger bed. I pulled the mattress out of the crib and put on the floor next to the bed as well as put pillows and blankets down to cushion the fall that would inevitably happen.

All night, I tossed and turned, nervous that something would go wrong and she would somehow end up trapped under the bed or something. I went into her room a total of 3 times in the night, 2 of them because she had woken up and needed to use the bathroom and once because I was so nervous. That 3rd time I went in there, I felt in the darkness for her on the bed. She wasn't there. So, I knelt down on the crib mattress that was on the floor and I didn't feel her there either. She was on the floor, curled up halfway under her crib. I put her back in the bed and felt relieved that my cushioning was so effective that Annabelle didn't even wake up and cry when she rolled off the bed.

Once we've mastered the trick of not falling off the bed and have no more use of the crib mattress, we'll get rid of the crib which will make room for Annabelle's first dresser. I can't wait for that. Right now, I've been using her closest as a dresser. It's been fine, but the dresser will certainly make things easier and less cluttered.