A few weeks ago, we purchased a bike for me and a child's seat for Annabelle. Michael already has a bike and we had talked about gettting one for me so we could go on family bike rides. At the store, we picked out a nice purple bike for me, but there were only two child seat boxes available and both had been opened. We were really looking forward to going on a bike ride that day, so w picked one and took it home. Michael immediately went to work getting the seat assembled. What he found was a bunch of pieces for the seat but no instructions. So, for the next hour and a half (it might ave been more, I can't remember), he worked on that seat until finally he had it all put together without any help whatsoever. Isn't he such a stud?

After dinner, we all got on our bikes and off we went. Annabelle looked awesome in her pink Barbie helmet. I thought she might object to wearing it, but I think she was excited, especially when she Michael and I had helmets too. We had been out riding for about 35 minutes when all of the sudden, my bike began to pulse and slow down. It was like I had squeezed the brake lever and then immediaitely let go about 4 times ina row. Finally, the bike came to an abrupt stop. I got off the bike, thinking maybe the chains had come off. While I was leaning over the back tire, observing the bike, the tire popped. I should say it exploded. The sound was like a gun going off right in my ear. It scared me to death. Michael, who was some distance in front of me and was doubling back to where I was, heard it too and had no idea what had happened. We then decided that there was nothing to do but have Annabelle and me stay there with the bike and Michael ride home and get the truck and come back for us, which he did. What we think happened was Michael had filled the rear intertube with air to its maximum and with Annabelle's 35+ extra pounds resting on it, it was just too much for the bike and the tire exploded.

That was on a Saturday evening. I was very anxuious to get a replacement tube, so Monday I took Annabelle with me to the store to get one. As I was deciding which one to get, Michael called me and told me not to get one right now. When I asked why, he told me he had accidentally run over the bike and it was in no condition to be ridden. I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. Apparently wat had happened was he had the bike on the driveway behind the truck, ready for the new tube to be put on. When I left to get one, he decided to sweep out the garage where the Camry had been. When he finished, he decided he might as well do the other side, so he got in the truck, started to back it up, heard a crunching sound, and immediately knew what he had done. At first, he thought the bike had gotten really messed up, which is when he called me. However, after a second inspection, he saw that other than a few scratches, the only thing broken was the left-side brake lever. But he determined it was still rideable. I was sad and upset at first, but soon after I got home from the store, I found it quite funny. Later that week, we did get another intertube and went for a ride. Yesterday, the new brake lever we ordered arrived and now Michael can fix that as well.
Annabelle loves to ride the bike and likes to go "fast, fast" as she says. I enjoy the workout and I know we will love doing this activity together as a family.

(Sidenote: I guess there is sound on the videos in the post below. Yea! Sorry for the misinformation.)