Sometimes, I am blown away by how cute Annabelle is.

So, I have a few things to report from this week. First, Michael played his first softball game on Tuesday evening. He and his law firm are participating in a city league, just as they did last summer. Although his team lost (they were playing a good team with really good athletes, both male and female), Michael, as pitcher, had some great plays. His cousin also joined the team and she will make a great addition.
Last weekend, Michael and I celebrated our 4th anniversary. We went out on a date, the first one in a long time. We enjoyed dinner and a movie. After 4 years, I still am so grateful for the man I married. Michael is so good to me and a wonderful father. I look forward to sharing the next 4 years and beyond with him.
The movie we saw was Angels and Demons. It was really intense, but I loved it. I enjoyed the book much more than I did the DaVinci Code and it was the same with the movie. I liked it better the DaVinci Code movie. Tom Hanks' character is more likable and the actors are very good. The movie does a good job of following the book, although it does change a few parts. I really liked it.
And of course, I had to include a video. Here is Annabelle playing ring around the rosie with her bear. (I know, another ring around the rosie video?!) She only says about one from every phrase, but it's still pretty cute.