Happy Easter! It was wonderful to spend Easter in our new home. Because Annabelle is somewhat old enough to understand what is going on, I got really excited and did a lot more to celebrate the holiday than I have in past years. Yesterday, I spent several hours making Easter-related shaped sugar cookies, and today Annabelle helped me frost them (well, she mostly ate the cookies I had just frosted). We then delivered them to several friends and neighbors from our old apartment.
Later, Annabelle participated in her first East egg hunt (thanks, Grandma Heidi, for the eggs and basket). She was so excited to see what was inside the eggs. With a little help from Michael and me, she was able to find all the eggs and chocolate hidden in the room. Once she had collected them all, she wasted no time in opening the eggs and devouring the contents inside.
We invited our friends, Christy and Glenn, over for dinner, which I actually put quite a bit of work into and I haven't done that in 6+ months. I was really excited to make a nice dinner in my new kitchen. It turned out quite delicious (no doubt the rolls made all the difference, so thanks Christy) and we all enjoyed each other's company. Christy and Glenn have been in Texas since January and Michael and I were excited to welcome them back to Rexburg. Annabelle was most interested in their 4 month-old son, or at least his toys anyway. Here's a picture and video of her playing with a play mat that Christy brought for her son.

While Christy and I chatted in the kitchen, Michael and Glenn had a great time showing Annabelle how to play baseball in the living room. The bats were made from two maps that had been rolled up. These "bats" then turned into swords and there was a viscous battle between Michael and Annabelle. I wish I had gotten a video. It was pretty funny to watch. I think Annabelle won.