We have pretty busy around here, slowly getting prepared for the move in a few weeks. The house is coming along nicely, and it looks like everything will be ready for closing on April 3. We are very excited.
Annabelle's communication skills seemed to have improved very quickly just in the last week. Last night as I was leaving her room after putting her to bed, she called out, "Hey you, come back". I walked back to her crib and asked her what she needed and she responded with her very first complete sentence. "I want to build a tower please." I was most pleasantly shocked. She's been able to repeat short sentences that I say, but she has never said a sentence completely on her own (other than something simple like, "I love you, Daddy.") I am also starting to get to the point where I understand almost everything she says, at least when she is talking to me. She loves to talk on the phone, and when she does that, she still mostly jabbers and I don't know what she's saying.
I've included some new pictures. The first one is of Annabelle in a cute dress she got for her birthday. I'm sorry the picture is blurry. I took 2 pictures and they both turned out fuzzy and I'm not sure why. But she looked so cute that I had to post it anyway.

Sunday, I came home from choir practice to find Annabelle wearing her winter coat in the house. I then saw Michael lying on the couch, so I knew he wasn't taking her anywhere outside. I asked why she had it on. He said she asked for it and wanted to wear it. So, for the rest of the afternoon, she walked around the house with her coat on.

This is just such a cute smile from Annabelle it had to go on the blog. I think this has become one of my favorite pictures of her.